The Carnival is the largest annual fundraiser and a great opportunity for all families to enjoy several days of fun and fellowship together in a well-organized and affordable family weekend.
Together we can make it a great success! Here are some great ways to support our Carnival:
Purchase ride bracelets in advanced at discounted prices:
Four Day Unlimited Rides: $50
Single Day Unlimited Rides: $20
Single Day Unlimited Ride Bracelet
These bracelets will cost $25 each if purchased at the Carnival, which means there is a savings of $5 for each Single Day Unlimited Ride bracelet purchased through the Pre-Carnival special.
Sponsors will be mentioned in all Carnival advertisement as well as our parish bulletin and as always, all contributions are tax deductible.
Available sponsorship levels are as follows:
St Max Sponsor $ 100
Food Booth $ 200
Silver $ 250
Gold $ 400
Platinum $ 700
Diamond $ 1,000
Tell everyone about it! It's a lot of fun, wonderful rides and amazing food.
Bring your family, friends and neighbors.
Announce it at stores you normally shop, take a flyer or poster and ask if they can put it up.
Buy Raffle Tickets
Sell Tickets to friends, family & neighbors (available at the Church Office)
1 ticket for $2 or 3 for $5.
1st Prize: $ 2,500
2nd Prize: $ 1,500
3rd Prize: $ 1,000
4th Prize: $ 500
Drawings held on Sunday, Feburary 24, 2019
Winners need not be present to win.
White Elephant Sale
Come and Find your next treasure amongst thousands of items in our Air Conditioned Social Hall.
Thursday, February 21 and Friday, February 22 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday, February 23 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
Sunday, February 24 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
You can donate things to support our White Elephant Sale.
You will have the opportunity to drop off donations at the POD that will be located in the patio between the church and the Social Hall on Saturdays and Sundays between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. or take them to the office during the week between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm.
BUT, Please...
NO Outdated electronics or TVs (It costs us money to dispose of old electronics)
NO Clothes/shoes
NO Big pieces of furniture
Donate Beverages and Homemade Baked Goods
We need lots of Homemade Baked Goods (must be homemade...Please!) and canned sodas (regular and diet).
Sodas (regular & diet):
12 oz cans: Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Sprite
Water: 16 oz bottles
Coffee: Regular or Decaf
Liquor: Wine, Whiskey, Bourbon, Rum, Vodka, Gin, Scotch
Donations to be dropped off in the Church Office or the Baked Goods Booth during the week of the Carnival.
If you need additional information, please contact the Church Office at (954) 432-0206 or send an email to